It isn’t everyday I come across an accessory which is affordable, fashionable, artistic and versatile.
I have always loved and carried bags and backpacks designed by LeSportsac for those reasons and more. Being wheelchair disabled, I need roomy bags which can hold many items to assist in my day-to-day routine. I am one of those women who likes to carry a towel, socks, foldable hat and leggings just in case I get soaked in the rain. In a flash, I can change into dry clothes. Add 5 lipsticks, credit cards, power bars and a water bottle to that list and a roomy backpack is in order.

My newest Tsumori Chisato backpack. This thing can fit everything.
The GIVEAWAY includes a wallet, cosmetic bag, and an accessory case to one lucky winner. (Backpack not included.)
All you have to do is LIKE this photo on my PrettyCripple Instagram GIVEAWAY page, tag a friend and use hashtag #tsumorichisatoxlesportsac.
– You must be 18 to enter
– Live in the US
– Comment and like once.
– Giveaway ends August 3rd. Raffle will be drawn that day.
– I will IM you on Instagram to get your mailing address after August 3rd.
– The giveaway items will be mailed out by the end of August.
– This giveaway is not affiliated or sponsored by Instagram.
Don’t forget to follow LeSportsac on Instagram.
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