What is the current state of fashion and where are things headed according to fashion industry’s pros, in this WWD article from September 4, 2018? It isn’t all doom and gloom. But of all the insiders who chimed in, this quote resonates the most.
“When you think about the French or Italians or the British, there’s confidence. Like, ‘this is what Milan or London or Paris looks like and we’re confident about this.’ And for some reason New York is always, ‘uh, I dunno. Maybe we’re too commercial and it’s boring.’ Yes, that is true for a lot of work presented during New York Fashion Week, but why take that attitude….why be such a Debby-Downer? There are really interesting things happening in this city, among the new people and the older brands. Look at what Marc Jacobs has been putting out the past two collections. It’s pretty awesome and wild.” — Mike Eckhaus, Eckhaus Latta
I concur that while the majority of labels do not take risks as I wish they would, there is always something that captivates me and has me championing everything that happens in NY.
Since the NY Spring 2019 collections just ended, I feel compelled to share the most notable trends.
If you are wondering why I chose to wear a styrofoam wig, it is because I drew inspiration from one of my favorite, dynamic and energetic Spring 2019 collections: Laurence & Chico. Let me give you some background of Canadian duo, Laurence Li and Chico Wang. To date, I don’t think I have ever commented on their collections since I began this blog over 5 years ago. They debuted their first women’s collection in 2016. They both met while studying at Parson’s School of Design and inject humor and boldness into all their designs. Recently they opened a new 2000 sq ft. cafe in Vancouver which is imbued with their wild, colorful, how-many-hits-of-acid imagination. I don’t just want to inhale every pastry they offer, but would eagerly live in that space on a cot, donning the styrofoam wig and yucking it up with patrons. What is better than fashion? When it collides with colorful food and coffee. I wonder if they serve wine? Then my life would be complete.

Canadian duo Laurence Li and Chico Wang always bring theatrics and humor to their brand. (Photos by Regis Colin Berthelier from NOW FASHION.com.)

Do you ever wake up in the morning and think “I am so tired of having the perfect body. I would do anything to look more deformed. There has to be a way.” Well now there is a way to build even more confidence by wearing fashion that deforms your shoulders. From left: SNOW XUE GAO – photo by Andrea Adriani; CHRISTIAN COWAN – photo by Yannis Vlamos; and Matthew Adams Dolan – photo by Marcus Tondo. All via https://www.thecut.com/runway/

You wouldn’t catch me dead in anything see-through ok? Well maybe just in my shoulder area, but you don’t need to see my mishappen noodle legs. Some things need to stay covered. LEFT: DION LEE – photo by Yannis Vlamos; SELF PORTRAIT – photo by Iker Aldama; DISCOUNT UNIVERSE – photo by Alessandro Garofalo

Hook me up with these lovely knits. LEFT: OSCAR DE LA RENTA – photo by Yannis Vlamos; ULLA JOHNSON – photo by Monica Feudi; ANNA SUI – photo by Yannis Vlamos. All via Vogue.com.

It’s bad enough that the ‘ugly-chic’ sneaker trend is sticking around longer than it should. Dad sneakers are trending for the past few seasons and now there is this by brand GYPSY SPORT. WTF? Wearing sneakers that appear to be 3 sizes larger? Hum, these ladies look like they stole them off one of their dead male family members during the apocalypse. Never a fan of ‘inappropriate’ skirt or dress lengths no matter what body type. In the hilarious words of wisdom of writer/actress Jill Kargman, who created the show “Odd Mom Out”, when having a discussion with her tween daughter about that topic: “The higher the skirt the looser the vagina.”
Just in case any of you have been wondering what Madonna’s daughter 21 year old daughter Lourdes is up to these days, click on the link and peek at image #24, to see her modeling Gypsy Sport’s clothing.
The takeaway from NY Fashion Week is that more brands are staying away from showing their collection on the runway, which is too costly. Small and midrange labels have to cut production costs, therefore resort to staging on NY streets or in restaurants. Is their even a point to putting in so much effort into a stressful runway show when brands can simply photograph their designs on models anywhere and share on social media? Brands don’t even need high-priced super models, when they can opt for someone who better represents the average American woman. A woman who is 5′, 4″ and over a size 12. Â Sure I love over-the-top staged shows where money is no object, but ultimately my sole focus is the clothing, not who is wearing them.