A Midsummer Night’s Dream – my #StyleCrush

#stylecrush disabled wheelchair fashion blogger
I had a dream.  The dream was to be featured in the lifestyle section of “WearYourVoice.com,” a feminist media website. The website mission is to be a platform for women’s voices, sharing personal stories which inspire and give hope, without judgment. Many of these women do not conform to the mainstream media’s typical and idealized portrayal of women. The women featured in Wear Your Voice are an actual representation of America, drawing from  LBGT, plus size, African-American, Latino and disabled women. Since the perception of beauty is subjective, mainstream media cannot be deemed reliable to make an unbiased judgment call. Thankfully, new outlets have come to the fore, such as ‘Wear Your Voice,’ with an alternative to the boring and unrealistic physical beauty narrative, and it embraces America’s diversity.

Hence my dream-I am thrilled to be featured as WearYourVoice’s “STYLECRUSH.” This category features women whose personal style is noteworthy.  Please read the interview wherein I regaled them with my thoughts on fashion and style, my greatest love.

As you well know, I am known for my directness, honesty and living life to the fullest, despite challenges. I often run into people who are victims, who harp on their victimhood and talk endlessly about themselves. I’m DONE with that.  Everyone’s life has challenges but better to tackle them quietly and move on.  The selfie selfishness which pervades our society today, is a drain and a bore. To quote a famous radio personality, “Get Over Yourself”! Keep that handy when you encounter people who drone on endlessly about themselves and their troubles.

Now onto the positive… who is your ‘StyleCrush?’

disabled wheelchair blogger


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  1. So awesome! CONGRATULATIONS!!! XOXO

  2. Yay!! Congrats! Gotta check this site out now

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