Lucy and I are having a ‘Fashion OCD’ Ball

Lucy and I are having a fashion OCD BallLast Wednesday August 6th, was the late TV comedy legend, Lucille Ball’s, birthday. She has been my idol forever since I could relate to her on many levels. She was business-minded, hilarious, animated, direct, compulsive and fashion obsessed. Remember when she would get into trouble on the I Love Lucy Show by scheming to get hold of the newest fashion items? Her husband, Ricky, would let out a scream which could be heard in Havana every time she wore something new. But Lucy didn’t give a hoot. She had, in fashion parlance, “Fanatical Fashion OCD.” When she set her eyes on a style she had to have, she would make everyone’s life miserable in her quest obtain it.

I, too, have ‘Fashion OCD.’ Every morning, with a huge mug of coffee in hand and a block of milk chocolate, I sit bug-eyed in front of my Mac analyzing emails from online fashion sites. Either I save items to lust-have status or ‘Pin’ them for inspiration.

Last September 2013, there were many items from the NY catwalks I had to have. One item stood out prominently in my top five fave collections. That item of desire was a pair of Prabal Gurung for Linda Farrow sunglasses. I was in love with the entire 1950s inspired pink and lilac cheerful Spring ’14 collection, but upon seeing the surreal sunglasses, I completely lost my mind. If sunglasses could talk, these would scream “I love Lucille Ball and retro iconography”and would cause an ensemble to break out into a Lindy Hop.

Retro red haired woman wheelchair street style with hair crayon and Prabal sunglasses

My new Prabal sunnies with Jamie Kreitman poppy halter top, Retro a go-go parasol, temporary hair crayon color in Red by Bleach London. These crayons are much better than hair chalk and doesn’t dry out your hair. Lipstick color: YSL Rouge Volupte #17 Red Muse.

Prabal Garung looks NYFW Spring 2104

Prabal Gurung for Spring 2014 New York Fashion Week. Photos: Marcus Tondo/ via

Were I to be granted two fashion wishes, they would be the following:
a) A closet the size of the Pentagon.
b) The ability to afford whatever fashion trends I want to fill up my Pentagon closet space. Ok, I might be delusional but a gal has to be fashionable. So while I wait for high security clearance to the Pentagon, I persevere in my wait for fashion ‘must-haves’ to go on sale.

My Gurung sunnies FINALLY went on sale a few weeks ago on fashion site, MODA OPERANDI. Moda is my morning ‘must-see’ along with an infusion of caffeine. What makes Moda Operandi so unique is that you can buy items hot off the runway. Buyers from department stores such as Neiman’s, Barney’s and Saks make purchases after viewing collections seen on the runways. They carefully curate the purchases for their clientele and project for their seasonal needs. So, Moda Operandi allows the consumer to pre-order from an entire unedited collection shown on the runway. This is a wholly new approach putting fashion democracy at your fingertips. The consumer is in charge and bypasses fashion store dictates. This way, she can choose from an entire runway collection. Voilà, c’est-ci magnifique!

Attack of the Killer Prabal Garung sunglasses

I would rather be attacked by pairs of Prabals than drones.

Moda Operandi fall 2014 must have items

My Moda ‘Must-Have’ list: 1. Maticevski F*ck You! sweater. That middle finger represents how I feel every waking minute. The entire graphic is hand beaded and made in Australia. #NotMadeinChina. 2. Stella Jean cotton skirt. 3. Masterpeace headband – Made in Russia. 4. Shourouk crystal-embellished python bag – I hate snakes. I am turning your sorry-slithering ass into a bag. 5. Tabitha Simmons suede ankle boots. I will not properly court these boots. First night of ownership equals full-on boot consummation. 6. Fallon Swarovski crystal pearl earrings.

So the moral of this fashion-meets-Lucy-meets Prabal sunnies is….if you lust-have and you must-have, perseverance will be REWARDED!

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1 Comment

  1. You do this look so well, I LOVE the pink!

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