Tuesday, April 22nd is Earth Day, a reminder how wasteful humans can be and the small contributions we can make to clean up our act. This is a favorite holiday of mine as this theme runs year round throughout my blog posts.
I am not a collector of flotsam. I collect well designed clothing, vintage hats and accessories. Occasionally I lose interest in my purchases so I give them to friends as I can’t be bothered selling it online.
Clutter stresses me out to the point that I had a recent conversation with my mother and father regarding their basement and garage. Their clutter collection could have its own distinguishable category on eBay. Here’s a snippet of our dialogue:
Me: You guys are getting old. You had better start getting rid of all the shit in your house, because once you die all of it is going into a dumpster. If you think I am going to waste my time listing things on eBay you are sadly mistaken.”
Father: (First shock at my directness and then…) Yeh, yeh, I know I will start to sell more on eBay. You really shouldn’t throw it away though. Things have value.
Me: You know what has value? My sanity. If you don’t quell your addition to collecting, I have another addiction you might like. Try heroin. It is cheap, and will leave you so lethargic on your couch, you won’t want to shop. Just promise me you won’t shop on QVC while you are barely breathing.
Father: That isn’t funny. We have a heroin epidemic.
Me: Look, I don’t care. Everyone has an addiction. Mine happens to make me look amazing 24/7.
Mom: How did I raise you?
For Earth Day last year I made a floating vessel out of plastic green gingerale bottles for my wheelchair Barbies. I gave the plastic bottle remnants to my friend, Jamie Kreitman, to construct a fashionable eco-friendly necklace.
This year I decided not to make anything, but to bring my Barbies to sit by the magical Hudson River. We marveled at the river’s splendor and gave thanks for access to clean water. I hope that the water in my part of NY state won’t be tainted by chemicals used by corporations to extract natural gas from fracking. These entities must be strictly regulated so they are held accountable if chemicals leech into nearby water sources.

Barbies enjoying lunch Hudson River-side at the Hudson Water Club.

HI, we are on our 3rd carafe of white wine. After we are done we will toss it into the river where it will take hundreds of years to biodegrade. Bad Barbies! You are not supposed to say that.
Another issue I have been thinking about is clothing production overseas. On April 24, 2013, the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh collapsed killing 1,100 and injuring 2,500. This sweat shop factory is one of many used by brands such as Joe Fresh, Mango, Walmart, J.C. Penny and the Children’s Place (though it was unclear whether they had active manufacturing at the time of the collapse.) to manufacture low priced clothing. The average monthly wage of the mostly female workers is $68 a month.
As a result of this tragedy the “Cost of Fashion“, a collaborative project, was conceived to raise awareness. The project requests that the brands associated with Rana Plaza compensate the victims’ families and those injured to improve working conditions and a right to fair wages.
Additionally, a FASHION REVOLUTION has been born, reminding everyone on April 24th of each year that there is a price we pay for cheap fashion. The mission of Fashion Revolution is to ask the brands where their clothing is produced and to make an effort to improve working conditions for their workers.
There are many ways you can help this Thursday, April 24th:
1. Be curious. Look at the labels on you clothes. Where is it from? Who made it?
2. Find out. Contact brands and ask them ‘Who Made Your Clothes’, to discover the real people throughout the supply chain. Send the brand a photo/video of your garments on Facebook/Twitter and ask them by tagging it with #InsideOut and @Fash_Rev
3. Tell your friends, family and colleagues about Fashion Revolution Day.
Would you like to do more? Read this attached PDF.
Finally, please watch this video of the devastation after the collapse of Rana Plaza. Corporate profits shouldn’t trump human life. This video is incredibly humbling and needs to be seen.
Please be cognizant of the clothing you wear and where it is made. This can be a reality, since even in China wages are rising as a result of workers’ protests. One day we will live in a world where workers are as important as the corporations who profit most.
#EarthDay is 4/22. Join the #FashionRevolutionDay. Who made your clothes? #InsideOut @Fash_Rev http://t.co/MqgpyfH0TN pic.twitter.com/Z5zZ1CmU8p
— Magda (@PrettyCripple) April 17, 2014
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